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The Role of HRM in Organizational Growth

The Role of Human Resource Management in Organizational Growth

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Human resource management (HRM) is the most significant sector in an organization. For instance, HRM is in-charge of the personnel which is a crucial functional unit of an institution. As a result, a company that is focused and geared towards success must have an effective human resource management to steer the firm towards attaining its objectives. In addition, the human resource management in an institution aims at increasing the productivity of the employees so that the company may realize its goals and objectives. It is evident that the human resource management plays an active role in the success of an institution. In that case, the HR manager guides and regulates workers activities to ensure that they suit the interests of the firm. In the same manner, the human resource management ensures the welfare of the employees and monitors them to perform as expected. During the daily activities at the workplace, the human resource management is seen to bridge the gap between the top management and the employees. The experience that I have gained in classwork and through the real life experience demonstrates that the HRM is like the engine of the organization because it provides the necessary manpower that powers the company. This paper reflects the topics discussed in the class, under HRM to examine how human resource management, as a department contributes to organizational growth in real life situations.

How HRM Performs Its Core Functions in the Organization

The aspects and areas under the umbrella of the HRM complement each other. In this spirit, there is a need for both the employer and the employees to achieve their best. Therefore, the HRM has to balance the requirements of both parties. For example, the recruitment and selection of the employees contribute a lot to the human resource development (White, 2014). It is seen that the type of staff employed by a firm has an effect on the development of the company. Hence, it is important that the human resource management gets the right and qualified personnel to propel the organization to its goals and objectives. On the contrary, selection of unqualified workers hinders the growth and development of an institution due to the ineffectiveness of the staff. Likewise, the department plans and puts in place the correct strategies to enable both, the employer and employees, to achieve their best in the firm. As a result, the HRM is responsible for the shaping of an organization and the behavior of the employees.

In addition, the human resource management carries out training of new members of staff in the bid to foster efficiency and ensure that they adapt immediately to their roles. I found out that the HRM has the orientation programs aimed at enhancing the performance of the recruits. Through the program, the employees get to learn about the culture and policies of the firm. Similarly, the workers get a chance to interact and identify themselves with the new environment. This is in addition to the fact that the human resource management is in charge of human resource planning that enables them settle employees in the firm (Baron & Kreps, 1999). Furthermore, the department enhances the experience of the worker through the training carried out. Hence, the new employees find the workplace interesting and comfortable thus producing their best. As a result, I learnt that the ability of the workers to exploit the potential depends on the reception received at the new station. Additionally, the orientation period allows the recruits to understand the goals and objectives of the institution making them develop a sense of belonging and own firm. It is observed that the employees who understand the culture and objectives of an institution have an easy time and perform their duties effectively unlike those who do not know the background of the firm.

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Likewise, the reward and recognition strategy that is practiced at workplace is focused towards improving the performance of the employees. For instance, I discovered that motivation makes a person more committed to duty in order to reach the target and get rewarded. Similarly, the rewards make employees feel their efforts are recognized by the management. Hence, they exploit their potential which leads to attaining the goals and objectives in the firm. The human resource management involves such strategies to enable the organization grows and rapid expansion. It is evident that a motivated staff is more determined and the morale is high as opposed to the staff that is not motivated. On the same note, incentives make an individual willing to work extra hours through which the institutions output is increased. In particular, the presence of rewards based on performance at my workplace heightened my spirits and enabled me to perform well. I think the HRM department managed to harness the abilities of every employee through the reward strategy.

Moreover, I noted that human resource development is achieved through the interdepartmental competitions present at the workplace. The strategy involves several departments within the institution whereby they compete for best performance awards. As a result, all sectors of the company aim for the best in order to emerge the best and clinch a prize (Aswathappa, 2005). Through the competition, the institution gets the achievement of goals and objectives. Benchmarking enables different sectors in an institution to compare their performance and share the secrets behind good performance. Through that, the weak, non-performing departments discover the reasons for their dismal performance and improve for the benefit of the institution. Similarly, the strategy is important since it enables workers from different sectors to come together and share ideas on how to improve their productivity and professionalism as well. The sharing of ideas and opinions enables some employees to build their careers and personal life.

On the other hand, I learnt that the human resource management seeks to provide a friendly environment to the workers. This is due to the fact that it does not allow the exploitation of the staff. For instance, the department listens to the issues raised by the employees and presents to the top management for action. For example, the provision of safety and health equipment and services to the workers is focused towards ensuring that the staff is safe and secure while on duty. In addition, introduction of reward and recognition is aimed to ensure that the workers get the value for the efforts and commitment to duty. This implies that the HRM department establishes and ensures that there is mutual benefit between the employer and the employees.

On the same note, the department recognizes the need for equality at the workplace. This is seen through the practice of affirmative action in the institution. Through affirmative action, the marginalized groups get a chance to show their abilities and capabilities. In that case, I discovered that people should be treated equally and be given equal chances to show their abilities and skills. There are many people who were selected through the affirmative action and are doing quite well in different sectors of the economy. Furthermore, I discovered that such groups are focused and dedicated to duty, and do not require supervision since they are out to disapprove the critics. Hence, the HRM has easy time and concentrates on other issues affecting the company. In such circumstances, the organization easily achieves its goals and objectives.

The experience with the human resource management has changed my perception and understanding of the human resource department. For instance, I have known the need for the HRM department in an institution. Additionally, the experience has provided me with the grounds on which I have to build my future career. First and foremost, I have familiarized myself with the roles and activities of the human resource management making appreciate its presence in a firm. In the same way, the knowledge of the HRM fascinates me because it gives an upper hand in my future career since I find it easy to suit any workplace. Secondly, with the knowledge and skills, I find it easy to cope up with my future employers. This is due to the sense that I already know the expectations of the human resource management and employers as well. Unlike someone who does not know anything concerning human resource, I will adapt immediately to the setting at the workplace and work to meet the expectations of the employer. Lastly, the fact that the HRM recruits and selects the best candidates based on qualifications, I have learnt to appreciate all the processes at the workplace, trying my best to impress the employers. The information enabled me to notice that the secret to success at the workplace is the ability to work and please the management.

Equally, my personal life has changed due to the information that I have gained. Since then I have developed the desire to work hard in life. The desire will make my performance improve and change my lifestyle. Similarly, the knowledge about an employee and labor relations has impacted positively onto my life, since I have known what to expect from the worker. I have learnt to respect everyones opinion and treat each individual with respect and value. Through the knowledge of the human resource management, my social life has improved, giving an upper hand in terms of interaction and socialization that gives most employees hard time reducing their efficacy. Furthermore, code of conduct of employees is stipulated that enables me to practice and uphold professionalism at all times. In such situation, I will find it easy to adapt to the required code of conduct and workplace professionalism. As a result, I expect to have a smooth run both at home and at the workplace.

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On the contrary, I was shocked by the fact that the HRM can converges the minds of people with different values and abilities to a common objective. For instance, an institution brings together individuals from different backgrounds and different temperaments. Hence, I believed it was hard for such a group to be turned to the same destination. The notion was swept away by the knowledge of the HRM that is capable of increasing the effectiveness and contribution of employees in order to achieve the set goals and objectives of an institution. To manage such a role, it requires dedication, since most of the workers are elites with different values and expectations in life. Hence, the human resource management is a unique sector in an organization that influences the success of a firm.

Despite the fact that the human resource management works for the interests of the company as well the employees, it is clear that the two are driven towards the same destination. The activities of the department are the engine towards the goals and objectives of an institution that, when achieved, unifies the activities of all those within the firm. For instance, members within an institution regardless of the rank are unified by the fact that they target the same goals and objectives under the captainship of the human resource management (White, 2014). I discovered that a slight mess in the activities of the human resource management renders the whole institution into a loss since it will not realize the set objectives. Hence, it is important that the human resource management executes its roles diligently to secure the future of the company. A thorough look into the responsibilities of the HRM department shows that the sector is the backbone of a firm and thus should not be interfered with in any way.


It is evident that the HRM is an important department in an institution since it is able to harness the abilities, knowledge and skills of the employees to a common goal. Hence, the primary function of the human resource management is to guide the employees in their roles and see an organization meet its goals and objectives. It is good for all professionals to be taught about the roles and functions of the human resource management in the bid to boost their understanding and professionalism. Similarly, the process through which the human resource influences the achievement of the goals and objectives is not simple. The department engages various strategies in order to convince the workers to offer their best to the institution. For instance, they must ensure that they hired the right staff with the necessary knowledge and skills required by the institution. The other mechanisms are aimed at ensuring that the workers are provided with a friendly environment that favors the activities of the firm. Through that, the employees deliver their best for the company, since their welfare is catered for by the human resource management. Equally, the human resource management is always in the race to ensure that both the institution and the staff mutually benefits from the activities of the company. In that case, it is important for the human resource to be an independent body to enable it perform its duties and responsibilities without fear or favor.

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