Human Resources Policies
Human Resources policies
Influence of Joint Commissions On Human Resource Management
Every patient has the right to safe and quality healthcare. It can only be achieved if there are proper communication and understanding between the patient and medical facility. Medical centers are supposed to devise the ways of ensuring that there are methods aimed to increase the contact with people of diverse backgrounds. Due to this reason, joint commissions have been established to assist the hospitals in creating a conducive environment between them and those seeking medical assistance. Joint commissions aim is to devise a plan with an objective of collaborating with hospitals as well as patients in the effort to provide better healthcare. Joint commissions play a significant role in influencing the functions of a human resource manager. First, they help them ensure that the laid down policies are followed completely. By doing this, they assist the HR managers in their supervisory role and ensure that the patients receive quality services. The joint commissions also support human resource managers in promoting and enforcing significant changes in the safety of patients. Joint boards help the management provide professional advice to the staff members in the process of assuring that they give quality services to the patients. By doing so, they seek to reduce the costs since finances needed to train staff members can be used for other functions (Bormann, 2015). Human resource supervisors do not have all information, which is why Joint Commission organization assists them in recruitment process. The human resource manager is in a position to hire highly qualified medical staff to offer quality services in the hospitals. Alternatively, joint commissions affect the processes of conducting research, enhancing a system of analyzing skills, and making recommendations to human resource managers. Consequently, managers obtain a pool of information and ideas on how to manage the workforce.
Collaboration of HR Managers with Departmental Managers
The main reason why human resource managers collaborate with other departmental managers in the hiring process is that both parties have vested interest in ensuring that medical facilities achieve success. When they are working in unity, the companys line management undergoes changes in order to remain proficient in regard to tactical functions of the human resource. Moreover, it gives more time for human resource managers to develop strategies that will keep the company prosperous (Bolton, 2007). When the managers have efficient communication process, they can determine the critical skills and qualifications required to streamline the functions of various departments. Each department has its own needs, and thus departmental managers should share their knowledge on the best criteria to be used when hiring staff.
When corporate managers are working as a team, they predict future planning needs and the reduced costs regarding hire and turnover rates. Additionally, medical facility benefits from the appropriate approach to planning and choice of employees to a significant degree. When departmental managers perform functions collaboratively, they can conduct workers performance appraisals. The employees are given a fair and unbiased evaluation grounded on their performance (Fleischer, 2004). Also, conflicts always arise among the departmental employees. Line Managers seek advice from human resource manager on the best method to solve such disputes. If there is no good relationship between the HR manager and the line managers, it will not be possible to determine the source of conflict and the ways of solving it. Good working relationship between the HR managers and the departmental managers, on the other hand, makes it easier for them to handle the workforce and investigate the source of conflict properly.

Training Program for Managers in Hiring Process
For managers to select the employee fit for the job, there are certain guidelines that they ought to follow. The first one includes the request that the applicants submit r?sum?s for the recruitment process. The employment manager will advertise the vacancies to spread the information to as many people as possible. After that, the managers can arrange a meeting and devise job attributes needed in the recruitment process. The next step is the selection process where managers shortlist the best applicants from the submitted r?sum?s, followed by a selection of the interview panel that will be tasked with the responsibility to evaluate the r?sum?s of the chosen candidates. The interview panel should compose of staff members who hold a similar position to the one being targeted. The interview panel should include both genders and different racial and ethnic groups. The HR manager has a responsibility to brief the members of the panel with specific information consisting of a job description, functions of the job, and the qualification of the candidate. The next stage is the interview, the purpose of which is to give the candidates an opportunity to provide first-hand information on their ability to perform the task. Managers should learn to ask the right questions and keep the candidate talking about relevant information (Bormann, 2015). There are two types of questions expected in an interview setting namely, direct and indirect ones. Indirect queries do not give the interviewee a hint regarding a desired answer. Direct questions, on the other hand, are used to get particular information from the applicant. Mostly, the answer to these questions is yes or no. Other questions are meant to elicit information from the applicant regarding their ability to solve problems and make correct decisions. Good managers should be good listeners and use both oral and nonverbal signals to encourage the interviewee to give more facts on precise aspects. The manager should control the interview in order for it to be orderly. After considering all the requirements, the interview panel can discuss and agree who is the best applicant.
Compensation Strategies
The organization uses compensation strategies with the aim to be in a position to define how it affects the workers pay and benefits. Most importantly, the strategies act as a guide outlining approaches used to control the employees compensation. A compensation strategy is an essential tool since it can determine the relationship between the employees and employers. The companies use this approach to motivate, retain, and attract the employees from other organizations. When the employees are well compensated, they are likely to be more productive, working harder and dedicating their time to the success of the company.
Organizations and corporations should be very vigilant when determining compensation scheme since it will have far-reaching consequences for instance, regarding the ability to achieve profits or losses. There are various factors to consider when deciding on a compensation system. They include organizational performance, costs of living, and exchange rate in the country, as well as housing costs, income tax, and familys income. Among all these factors, the corporate performance is the most important. If the organization is making more profits, the rates of compensating its workers should be higher. The organizations ability to pay is solely determined by the productivity of every worker, and it translates to profits or losses of the business. When the employee is more productive, the company should compensate them through higher pay (Fleischer, 2004). Thus, any positive shift regarding production and workers performance has a direct impact on the wage of the organization. Companies and business increase in size if the services they render are in high demand. Alternatively, a more prominent organization can offer better pay for their employees as compared to smaller ones. The evaluation process should be fair, determining individual payment for the work done. When this factor is used to determine compensation scheme, the workers tend to be more productive. It encourages them to work hard in order to increase their compensation. The disadvantage of this system is that it supports additional competition, meaning that it may be difficult to unite people from specific departments.
Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal method can be described as systematic techniques used to establish how a specific employee is performing his or her job. It evaluates the ability of an employee to achieve set objectives within a given period. The future-oriented technique is the most effective method of appraising performance in a medical facility. Performance appraisal encompasses the executives and the personnel working together to accomplish the goals and intentions of the business because it is useful for ensuring that the system is understood by all the employees within the facility. This technique is also useful since it assists the employees in being goal-oriented, supporting them in achieving a continuous improvement. Moreover, people are more motivated to work hard to accomplish their goals when performance appraisal measures specific attributes, such as qualities of input and output.

Strategy to Manage Behavior of Employees
Performance management strategy aims to ensure that the goals, objectives, and the results obtained by the workers correspond to the goals of the organization. There are six steps needed for the functioning of the efficient management system. The first one seeks to identify the goals and the objective of a medical facility. The objectives of all stakeholders should be in line with the organization goal. Then, the employees are supposed to devise their own goals to achieve the goals of the organization. The third step implies that the employees should communicate or give feedback to the manager, mentioning what they have accomplished and what they failed to do. Next steps involve the evaluation of the results and behaviors of the employees by their departmental manager. It is followed by the identification of areas that need improvement in the organization in line with its goal or performance indicators. The last stage includes the results that appear with either achievements or failures. They can be in the form of an increase in salaries, promotion, bonus, and layoffs. For all these steps to take place, there is the need to establish an adequate communication between the workers and management. Before any action is made, the administration should be consulted, so each employee could feel as a part of the project. Also, in order to manage employee behavior, managers should be hired on the basis of respect and trust. Positive behaviors should be rewarded while unwanted behavior should be discouraged by taking disciplinary actions.
In conclusion, the success of any organization solely depends on the kind of interaction between the management and employees. When there is a proper hiring process, medical facility will employ qualified employees that will dedicate their skills to the development of the company. However, medical center may not retain its workers if there is no fair performance appraisal and compensation. Medical facilities should also be equipped with modern equipment and machines that will enable the employees to perform their duties well. The quality of health cannot be achieved by only looking at the performance of the employees since other factors, such as availability of much-needed facilities, are crucial as well (Fleischer, 2004). The employees should be regularly trained in the effort to empower them with skills to tackle various medical challenges. If all these conditions are met, medical facilities will provide quality healthcare. The cases of death in the hospitals will reduce, and people will be more educated regarding the ways of avoiding some diseases, such as cholera, HIV, and AIDS.