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Hannah X Case Study

Hannah X Case Study Free Essay

Case Management Service Plan

Client name: Hannah X

Date of Plan: 12.25.2019

Presenting Problem: stomach problems

Barriers to Treatment:

  1. Health issues
  2. Workplace issues
  3. Child’s poor performance at school

Service Goals (SMART):

  1. Client will address stomach problem
  2. Client will deal with Acute Stress Disorder
  3. Client will reduce alcohol consumption

Activities to meet the goals. First, the patient will have assessment of her stomach problem, which would allow her to cure the disorder. Second, Hannah will receive therapy providing her with the ways of dealing with her Acute Stress Disorder. This therapy might also reduce her desire to drink alcohol before bedtime as well as improve her nutrition. Another important activity is evaluation of Hannah’s daughter for possible learning disability. The girl has low performance at school so that it is necessary to indentify the reasons of this problem and possible solutions. This activity will help to deal will stress because the child’s academic problems are an additional stressor for the patient. Besides, Hannah needs consultation; she is stressed and addicted to alcohol due to work-related issues. For example, the patient should be advised to discuss her schedule and position with the supervisor. Finally, Hannah needs support to control her alcohol intake. Therefore, the main activities are treatment for stomach problem, therapy for Acute Stress Disorder and alcohol consumption, assessment of Hannah’s daughter for learning disability, and consultation about work-related problems.

Agencies that offer necessary services: White Sands Treatment Center, Phoenix House Citra Residential Center, and Quantum’s Oceanside Recovery.

Client signature Date:

Case Manager signature Date:

Part 2

The case management service plan demonstrates that the patient’s presenting problem is stomach issue. Besides, she has Acute Stress Disorder and alcohol addiction. Consequently, we shall discuss the barriers which might prevent the treatment. Besides, we will analyze the goals and potential results of the treatment based on Hannah`s strengths, which allow reaching the goals and developing self-sufficiency.

Influence of Hannah’s Presenting Problem on Treatment

Hannah’s presenting problem is stomachache. This problem can prevent the patient from focusing on her treatment. First, she can reject the complexity of her issues, which puts the whole treatment at risk because only addressing all issues would allow reaching positive outcomes (Mooren & Stöfsel, 2015, p. 44). Thus, Hannah might deny the alcohol problem claiming that there is no addiction. However, treating stomach requires refusal from alcohol because upset stomach is the possible outcome of consuming alcohol drinks (Hanson, Venturelli & Fleckenstein, 2015, p. 204). Besides, she may disagree to receive treatment for Acute Stress Disorder saying that stomachache is a more serious health issue. In addition, stomachache might keep the patient from focusing on the treatment because it causes physical pain. Stress disorder and substance addiction require psychological help. As a result, the patient should have ability to think clearly. This is impossible in the case of abdominal pains because they might distract the patient’s attention. Therefore, the presenting problem might make Hanna reject all other issues because they look less important that the stomachache.


The analysis of Hannah’s health conditions demonstrates that there are three barriers to her treatment. The first barrier is health-related, it makes the treatment less urgent in her eyes. The patient is so focused on dealing with pains that she cannot think rationally. She might underestimate the seriousness of the health issue and avoid professional treatment. Another common explanation is the desire to address the issue without professional treatment (Mojtabai et al., 2011, p. 1751). For example, Hannah tries to manage her stress through drinking alcohol before bedtime. The barrier can be minimized in few ways. First, it is necessary to address the physical pains. Second, Hannah should receive explanations of the connection between stomachaches, constant stress and alcohol.

The second barrier is workplace issues. The work leads to stress and stress causes alcohol consumption before bedtime and unhealthy nutrition. The barrier can be minimized through therapy for Acute Stress Disorder. Besides, the patient should be encouraged to discuss the shift with her supervisor. Hannah needs to improve her work schedule to gain better work-life balance. This approach would help the patient to reduce her desire to drink alcohol before bedtime. She also should review the idea of holding management position because this position involves a lot of stress. Therefore, the work can transform even into a more significant stressor.

The third barrier is the child’s poor performance at school. The patient is stressed due to the problems of her daughter at school and cannot focus on stress management, therapy for alcohol abuse and resolving the stomach problem. The barrier can be minimized only through evaluating Hannah’s daughter for learning disorder. The good academic performance of the child might become a strength for the patient. As a result, Hannah’s treatment would become more effective.


The short-term goal is addressing stomach problems through making assessment of the issue and providing appropriate treatment. Reaching this goal will help Hannah boost her self-sufficiency because she would be able to maintain herself without the help of health providers or some pills. The mid-term goals are refusing from alcohol before bedtime and learning to handle Acute Stress Disorder. These two goals would help Hannah become more self-sufficient because a person without stress disorder and substance addiction is more likely to manage psychological issues. The long-term goals are assessment of the patient’s daughter for possible learning disability. In this case, discussing work-related issues with the supervisor and searching support for alcohol consumption are essential. Reaching all these goals would help the patient reduce the stress and prevent severe alcohol addiction. As a result, the woman would not need external help.

Use of Strengths in Developing the Service Plan

Hannah has high chances in achieving goals because she possesses enough strength for it. The first patient’s strength is her love for the child. According to the case scenario, the woman is upset due to the daughter’s academic performance, which means that Hannah cares about the child’s future. This fact would motivate Hannah to reach all three goals because the patient is able to realize that ignoring the treatment would spoil the daughter’s life. For example, refusing to search support to control alcohol intake might result in severe alcohol addiction. A drunken mother cannot provide proper conditions for raising a child. The second patient’s strength is ambitiousness. Hannah claims that she is planning to have a job promotion. However, she would be able to reach high productivity at workplace only after gaining physical and psychological health. Therefore, Hannah would have to address her stomach problem, stress disorder and alcohol dependence. Both strengths were used while developing the goals. Thus, the love for the child and ambitiousness were applied during creating the goal to resolve the stomach problem because good health is necessary to be a good mother and employee. The goals aiming at reducing stress and alcohol consumption were also based on both strengths because it is essential to have a sound mind.


The assessment of the patient revealed the stomach problem caused by chronic stress and alcohol consumption. The major stressors are workplace issues and the poor performance of the child at school. The development of goals is based on the patient’s strengths, such as high motivation and perseverance, career success and her passion for the child. The list of goals includes addressing the stomach problem, reducing alcohol consumption and treating Acute Stress Disorder. The possible barriers to treatment are health and workplace issues and the child’s poor performance at school. The patient is likely to reach the goals of the service plan because she has enough strength for these positive outcomes.

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